—New Release—
Seeking • Finding • Healing
The Complete Guide to Self-Directed Inner Family Healing

If you experience a yearning to make peace with your history and a desire to create a compassionate and loving relationship with all of your inner ages, this book will gently lead you along a path of inner healing with rewards beyond imagination or expectations!
Using various writing exercises, you will tap into the wisdom, strengths and clarity you need to become the loving parental support and guide all your inner selves have yearned for and deserve.
Following word-for-word visualizations, you are introduced to an inner spiritual team that includes the support of future selves. Then, by utilizing Becky’s style of meditation, this self-directed, creative path to healing honors your inner timing and gently leads you to healing, where you will experience peace, self-love and freedom as a strong inner family.
For further inspiration and encouragement, throughout the book the author shares her path of inner family healing spanning over forty years through personal visualization and stories of her ongoing healing. In addition, you’ll be provided with various healing stories of others who the author has guided along this path.
Seeking… Finding… Healing… is a step-by-step, easy to follow guide to healing historical wounds or traumas.
My book begins by guiding the reader in ways to strengthen the Self of today.
Exercises are designed to help the reader acquire a healthy Foundation, mentality, emotionally and spiritually; all the necessary elements to begin the inner journey. By connecting to the various aspects presented, our Foundation is solidified to begin our inner healing.
Our inner family consists of younger selves that need healing and healthy parenting. And to assist us on the healing path, the concept of future selves is introduced. By connecting to that inner aspect, future selves can bring wisdom and compassion, and offer the reader a powerful resource.
Additionally, the reader is invited to design a connection to a trusting relationship with the Universe that might include Guardian Angels and/or Spirit Guides and a personal Higher Power as additional aspects of inner wisdom; therefore creating the “village” that is needed to raise/healing the younger selves.
There are word-for-word visualizations shared, and I use my personal path to my own inner family healing that began in 1976. Most chapters include comments from clients through the years that have benefited from utilizing this inner family healing model.
If you are a Seeker looking for a coach to help you facilitate this valuable, healing tool of Inner Family work, I will guide you along my Inner Family Healing Model path, creating the necessary Foundation elements and share visualization outlines to connect with your inner family… your own inner world… your inner healing.
Email or call for further information about working toward inner family healing together.
If you are a Seeker looking for a coach to help you facilitate this valuable, healing tool of inner family work, I, assisted by my inner
family healing model, will guide you through the necessary foundation elements and offer you visualization outlines to create
the needed connection to your inner family, your inner world, and your inner healing.
As a miraculous bonus, this path offers so much more than just accessing a healing for your history and your younger ages. It provides a pathway for you to utilize your own spiritual wisdoms and strengths and invites your younger selves to deepen their trust in you. It also aids in identifying future selves and lets you access their wisdom, comfort, and guidance.
Additionally, you will be introduced to a uniquely creative visualization that allows you to talk with your various bodies. As the embodiment of your Mental Self, you can meet with your Emotional Self, Physical Self, and Spiritual Self. This Board of Directors visualization can offer information, support, and guidance beyond imagination!
So, the inner family healing path isn’t simply restricted to healing the pain of younger selves; any painful experiences in adulthood can be reframed and healed as well.
Although this deep work will be difficult at times, and will require time and commitment, it can be your transformation into living the Grandest Version of your life!
Therefore, this is the invitation to begin the path to wholeness, creativity, and inner peace. I hope you find the willingness and courage to begin to travel the path to Inner Family Healing!
—The Foundation Work—
The Foundation work will begin by guiding you to articulate your relationship with the Universe.
I believe that by first uncovering, or identifying your spiritual truths, you can decide if they are your mature, spiritually-grounded ones,
or if they are old ideas your younger selves unconsciously made up about how the world works from their youthful perspective.
Only then can we solidify our foundation to live from our mature, sane, and sound beliefs.
When clearly articulated, most of us find we live more consistently from our spiritual principles. So, although we will be exploring spiritual subjects, you will not be focusing on religious dogma, thus leaving room for even the agnostic mindset. The Foundation work will assist you in building a solid trust in your Self as well as the Universe.
Our younger selves—especially ones who are wounded, will need to know they can trust us to be the wise, comforting, protecting parents they need, deserve, and have yearned for. One of the ways we will exhibit our trustworthiness is by deliberately identifying any old, immature beliefs—old ideas—and designing or articulating new asset beliefs, or new ideas. Completing this exercise, called Topic Inventories, on a variety of topics can begin to bring positive changes to your life as well as hope and trust from our younger selves.
In the short run, the road to fully healing can be difficult and painful; it requires time, energy, and commitment. It is not always easy to find our way to spiritual beliefs and sane behaviors, but the miracle of changing our interpretations and reactions to our history and tapping into newly identified strengths and wisdom is worth all the hard work.
In the long run, inner family healing can make daily living richly creative and Divinely supported.
It’s important to know that this is not a once-through healing tool. It is an ongoing system to keep us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy. It can be a most valuable resource as we age, and as life gives us challenges and heartbreaks. It lets us take life on life’s terms with grace and dignity. I hope you commit to this path to freedom . . .
—The Inner Journey—
The Inner Journey begins by doing some review work. Revisiting the Foundation exercises will help
prepare you for the deeper work ahead.
By going over your journaling, where you clarified your understanding of your Higher Power (your God), reviewing your spiritual self-talk phrases, and rereading all the Topic Inventories you completed, you are creating stability for the inner family journey.
When you are ready, your Inner Journey will start with an important and powerful visualization: identifying and building your inner Spiritual Team. In the first visualization, you will be introduced to a valuable Spiritual Team led by your God energies for protection and comfort, followed by being introduced to your Guardian Angels and/or Spiritual Guides for support and guidance. This beginning visualization will end with welcoming in Future Selves, ages that you decided to invite in.
This is the beginning of the “village” that contains the necessary strengths to help “raise” or heal your younger selves. Having this strong, spiritual support group to accompany you in each visualization is priceless. They will always surround you and quiet any fears, and they will offer love and support as you embark on future visualizations.
With this Spiritual Team supporting you, the second visualization focuses on delivering a Parental Commitment to a variety of younger ages you decided to begin your healing path with. Therefore, prior to this visualization, you will need to have written out your loving commitment statement. By rereading it a few times, you will then be able to communicate the essence during the visualization.
Per outlined in Seeking . . . Finding . . . Healing . . .
there are many suggestions and additional ideas for inner family healing visualization meetings.
When working together, either individually or at a group level, I lead and record the visualizations for your perusal;
all other input is not recorded.
—More Tools to Healing—
Although the primary inner family work involves healing your history through healing your younger selves,
this Inner Family Healing path is ongoing. It is a precious resource of guidance, connection to wholeness,
and an ability to access creativity and spirituality for everyday life.
I help clients increase their ability to visualize so they can utilize the support and ongoing contact with all of their inner family; it is no longer just a path; it is now their personal healing tool.
They have their own Spiritual Team, Board of Directors, Younger Selves, Future Selves . . . their own inner family that will never leave them, will always offer support to them, and as a unit, can walk through the hardest times in life together. They have a bond and a trust in their togetherness.
Self-forgiveness, releasing shame, and letting go of resentments are all possible with these tools.
Additionally, I introduce a style of visualization where you can communicate with other people’s souls. Even in the most difficult relationships, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and accountability can be communicated. This valuable tool can be used whether or not the other person is currently alive.
I look forward to hearing from those of you who have tackled the self-directed path; I hope you share your miracles with me. And those of you who would like a coach, I hope to hear from you, too.
Blessings to you all,
Praise for the Book
—Additional Resources—